
Soul Messages for Spiritual Integration

Expanding consciousness within the mindbody is the goal of Spiritual Integration. This is achieved as the unaware conscious mind submerges into the depths of the subconscious mind to gain greater self-awareness, which expands the consciousness. To faciliate this inward journey and expansion of consciousness, we can use symptoms of distress to bring to light, or to make conscious, the integrating and healing messages of the Soul.

Co-Creating in Alignment with Divine Will

As a linear thinking equation implying when X is done, then Y will occur, the “if this, then that thought process” does not allow for the miracles of unlimited potentialities. Personal will creates through isolated, left brain, linear thinking, whereas personal will merged with Divine Will creates through whole brain, integrated brain processing.

Creation is Change; Change is Transformational

How often do we get stuck in the same old routines failing to embrace change and remaining on autopilot? Remaining unconscious in our actions, daily tasks are performed without the opportunity to make new, in-the-moment choices. Transformational Breath exercise to transform uncomfortable feelings and limiting, disempowering thoguhts and beliefs.

Moving into Your Fullest Potential through the Evolution of Consciousness

Supporting our personal evolution of consciousness, this unifying process within the chakra system empowers the fullness of who we are. Having integrated past limiting energetic patterns, the chakras are free to harmoniously and synergistically become a coherent flow of Infinite Universal Consciousness, and we actualize theTrue Self and accept Unconditional Love. Consciousenss exercise expalins using the symbol of “post-it” notes to transform limiting beliefs, thoughts, energetic patterns and traumas