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The start of any new action can begin with a simple idea, a kind of inspiration of creation. This inspiration can be from the old way of thinking and feelings called the “mere survival” mindset, or it can come from an Empowerment Perspective. Leaving behind the old ways of thinking and feeling to establish a connection with that which is your Greater Spiritual Presence allows you to receive inspiration, ideas and synchronicities that align you with your Greater Spiritual Potential.
These are the Integrative Possibilities of Perfection, which unleash the highest and best of all creation possibilities. Allow yourself to stay in the flow of Higher Consciousness by destroying and un-creating the messages of “mere survival.” Review and disconnect form thought forms that no longer serve you greater good or the greater good of all humanity. Everywhere you have decided that this is impossible, unrealistic, crazy, insane or too difficult, will you now choose to “destroy and un-create” all of those mere survival antics and choose to create in alignment with Perfection?
Say “YES” for the positive download:
“I AM aligned with Perfection. I AM the Presence of my Greater Spiritual Potential. I consciously co-create through the Integrative Possibilities of Perfection, which connects me to my greatest good. I choose now to destroy and un-create that which no longer serves the Empowerment Consciousness™ paradigm. Thank you! It is Done! It is Done! It is Done!