Today is Peace Day, a day for focusing our energy toward the creation of peace-filled experiences for all. Unfortunately, we sometimes lose focus of our goals and energize a less than perfect expression of peace. When we stand against an issue, we are sacrificing peace and energizing dissension.
While disruption of the status quo through hate, conflict and division can fuel change, it does so at the expense of creating that which we truly wish to create … peace, acceptance, compassion and tolerance. We are not looking for the space of Being that unites us in peace; rather, we are engaging the manifestation of experiences that highlight our perceived differences.
What we energize materializes: if we energize dissension, we create dissention; if we energize peace, we create peace. Energy is the force that enacts creation. We direct energy with our Creative Directions, which are fueled by our intentions. Our thoughts and emotions declare our intentions. Therefore, we energize or enact creation with our thoughts and emotions, which combine to form our intentions.
Whether we create from the intention of peace or dissension exponentially energizes either a positive or negative creative effect. Mother Teresa embodied this noble, truth-filled conviction when she vowed to only support that which energizes the higher values of peace, love, compassion and acceptance.
By energizing the feelings, attitudes and beliefs of Divine Values, we align our intention to manifest such in our world, lives, bodies, relationships and experiences. When our intentions energize Creative Directives in alignment with Divine Values, we are in the flow of creating heavenly, divinely inspired and empowering scenarios. When we create from fear, victimology, righteousness, judgment, misuse of power, hatred, prejudice or revenge, we are sending creative energy to manifest dissention. Ultimately, this dissention is a creation away from what we wish to create, thereby enacting that which we do NOT wish to create.
Today, and every day, presents an empowering opportunity to align with that which unites humanity in a field of peace, acceptance, compassion and love. By aligning your Underlying Core Intentions to be in coherence with Divine Values, you enact creation through non-judgment, non-attachment and a fearless base of empowerment for all. Creative Directives such as these engage creative outcomes that are aligned with the highest and best for all concerned, which will always create peace, harmony and well-being.
Say “YES’ for the positive downloads:
- I am aligned with the highest and best outcomes for all concerned.
- I recognize my less than perfect Creative Directives and choose to consciously and easily transform them now.
- I know how to take ownership of my consciously creative and intentional Creative Directives.
- My Creative Directives reflect empowering peace for all concerned.
- I energize peace as a state within my Being and know that it is readily available to me now.
- I AM peace.