Thursday, January 18 LISTEN TO THE SHOW (12 MB MP3 file) Guest: C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D. and Dawson Church, Ph.D. Topic Title: “Soul Medicine: Awakening Your Inner Blueprint for Abundant Health and Energy with Dr. Norm Shealy”  |  | Shealy | Church |
Host Deborah Lallier talks with Drs. Norm Shealy and Dawson Church as they describe consciousness-based healing therapies and discuss the principles of their new book, Soul Medicine: Awakening Your Inner Blueprint for Abundant Health and Energy. Identifying the role beliefs and intentions play in our health and well-being, Dr. Shealy and Mr. Dawson help us understand the importance of cultivating a vibrant soul connection in the creation of our health. Join Deborah as she delves into the mind-body-spirit connection with these notable experts in the field of holistic health. Please visit to learn more about Dr. Norm Shealy, and to learn more about Dawson Church. Practical ways to implement today’s message: Overlaying the Blueprint of Your Soul.
Thursday, January 25 LISTEN TO THE SHOW (12 MB MP3 file) Guest: Christine Page, M.D. Topic Title: “Spiritual Alchemy: How to Transform Your Life with Dr. Christine Page” Expedite the process of transformation by intuitively listening to the wisdom of the body; learn to appreciate the deeper meaning of both health and illness. Join Deborah and her guest, Dr. Christine Page, medical doctor, homeopath, lecturer, and author of Spiritual Alchemy: How to Transform Your Life, and discover strategies to enhance soul growth and the expansion of consciousness. Learn about links between the chakras and disease, how to clear and maintain your energy field, and the importance of staying grounded and being present in your life. To learn more about Dr. Christine Page, plesase visit her Web site at Practical ways to implement today’s message: Beginning the Process of Spiritual Alchemy Through Soul Connection.
Thursday, February 1 LISTEN TO THE SHOW (12 MB MP3 file) Guest: Karin Cremasco, BEd, PhD, ThD, CCI, Associate Professor Topic Title: “Body Harmonization™, Accessing Body Wisdom for Conscious Wholeness, Healing, and Empowerment” Deborah welcomes The Rev. Dr. Karin Cremasco as she describes the energy healing process of Body Harmonization. Using muscle testing to talk with the mind/body to access its inner wisdom, allows the innate healing abilities of the mind/body to be fully expressed. Learn about the root causes of dis-ease, which may manifest as physical or emotional concerns, and a protocol to offer harmonization of the energetic causes which may interfere with conscious wholeness, healing, and empowerment. Personal energy balancing techniques are described. Join us for an empowering hour unleashing the wisdom of the mind, body, and spirit. To learn more about The Rev. Dr. Karin Cremasco, please visit her Web site: Practical ways to implement today’s message: Aligning with the Intentions of the Soul: Using Muscle Testing and Pendulums.
Thursday, February 8 LISTEN TO THE SHOW (12 MB MP3 file) Guest: Ann Nunley, M.F.A., Ph.D. Topic Title: “Engage the Wisdom of the High Self with the Transformational Process of Inner Counselor™” Deborah welcomes Dr. Ann Nunley, Professor and Provost Emeritus of Holos University Graduate Seminary, to help us better understand how old, dysfunctional patterns are obstacles on our path towards physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. As such, they impair health, curtail creativity, and adversely affect our relationships. Discover the transformational potential of the Inner Counselor Process, where the symbolic wisdom of the High Self can help us integrate these limiting emotional patterns and fears to create increased self-awareness and spiritual growth. Please visit Dr. Nunley’s Web site at Practical ways to implement today’s message: The Higher Self and a Sanctuary of Peace.
Thursday, February 15 LISTEN TO THE SHOW (13 MB MP3 file) Guest: Mirit Eder-Turley, CMI LMT Topic Title: “Your Valentine Sacred Contract” Explore the Law of Attraction through the roles of the Valentine archetypes. Learn how to bring your romantic life to a state of balanced bliss through conscious awareness. Find out if you seek a partner from the perspective of the prince/princess or knight/damsel energy patterns. Do you relate to your love life as a lover or a victim, companion or gambler? By embracing our archetypes we come to know ourselves and bring forth authentic self expression and empowerment. Join Deborah and her guest, Mirit Eder-Turley CMI LMT, a certified Medical Intuitive and archetypal counselor, as they describe the Sacred Contract of marriage, partnerships, and the healing love of conscious relationships. Practical ways to implement today’s message: The Art of a Conscious Relationship and the Soul Bubble Exercise.
Thursday, February 22 LISTEN TO THE SHOW (12 MB MP3 file) Guest: Kimberly Gray, RN, CHTP/I, and Vicki Slater, RN, PhD, CHTP/I Topic Title: “Healing Touch: Hands-On Energy Balancing for Wholeness”  |  | Gray | Slater |
Would you like to heal faster, reduce pain, anxiety or depression, and even leave the hospital sooner? Discover the healing potential of Healing Touch, a holistic energy therapy which uses light or near-body touch to help clear, balance and energize the human energy system. Join Deborah as she talks with Kimberly Gray RN, CHTP/I, and Vicki Slater, RN, PhD, CHTP/I, about the Healing Touch Program at St. Joseph’s Hospital in Tampa, Florida and the significant findings of current research on the use of Healing Touch in conjunction with traditional medical care or as a stand alone treatment. Empower yourself to help expedite the healing process by learning one of these simple and effective hands-on healing techniques! Practical ways to implement today’s message: Heart-Focused Intention and Healing Presence.
Thursday, March 1 LISTEN TO THE SHOW (12 MB MP3 file) Guest: Martina Steiger, ThD, MA, Bed Topic Title: “Getting Unstressed™ as a Step Towards Wholeness” Getting UnStressed™ (GUS™) is a wholistic program aimed at integrating a balanced sense of self. Learn skills and strategies to reduce stress, anxiety and pain by unplugging from the past and moving into the perfection of the Present moment. Join Deborah as she speaks with The Rev. Dr. Martina Steiger to discover the difference between doing and being, finding inner stillness and connection, and the meaning of directed focused attention. Learn to facilitate change from the inside out with these self-empowering consciousness exercises. Practical ways to implement today’s message: Staying Conscious: The Perfect Moment of NOW.
Thursday, March 8 LISTEN TO THE SHOW (13 MB MP3 file) Guest: Patricia Bechdolt, ThD Topic Title: “Evolutionary Astrology: The Language of Your Soul” Create a conscious life by understanding the language of the Soul. Evolutionary Astrology is a powerful tool of self-awareness that can lend a deeper understanding of your Soul’s Intention for your life through the unique language of your natal astrological chart. Join Deborah and her guest, Patricia Bechdolt, Th.D., as they discuss this holistic, psychospiritual approach to the ancient wisdom tradition of astrology. Learn about current planetary alignments that signal a time for taking important steps in forwarding our evolutionary growth and actualizing our purpose, which in turn contributes greater stability, harmony, and grace to the outer world. Practical ways to implement today’s message: Applying the Law of Intention to Creative Manifestation: Meditations During Lunar Cycles.
Thursday, March 15 LISTEN TO THE SHOW (12 MB MP3 file) Guest: Andrea Mathieson Topic Title: “The Balancing Nature of Flower Essences” Allow the innate wisdom of Nature to bring your mind-body and spirit into a state of balanced wholeness. Join Deborah as she talks with Andrea Mathieson, founder of Raven Essences, to learn how to use flower essences as a way to link with your Soul’s Intentions and facilitate healing. Nature is our greatest role model for how to grow, adapt, and move through adversity. Working with essences gives us blueprints, inner cellular references, for how to access our own adaptability by establishing a sacred connection with Nature. Practical ways to implement today’s message: The Co-Creative Process of Aligning with Divine Wisdom Through Flower Essences. ALSO: Manifesting the Seeds of Desire: A Ritual for Spring Equinox
Thursday, March 22 LISTEN TO THE SHOW (12 MB MP3 file) Guest: Vianna Stibal Topic Title: “ThetaHealing™ with Vianna Stibal” Join Deborah and her guest Vianna Stibal to discuss her new book, ThetaHealing. A gifted intuitive healer who after discovering a way to heal her body from cancer, Vianna has pioneered and refined this method of healing which uses the theta/gamma brain wave state to command health into the body, mind and spirit. Reprogramming limiting beliefs, repatterning healthy gene expression, and activating dormant DNA strands are brought about with an intentional connection to the Divine. Hear about the instantaneous physical healings witnessed as a result of this technique. Learn about tips for manifesting abundance and medical intuitive approaches to health. Practical ways to implement today’s message: The Creative Power of Aligning with the Soul’s Intentions and Seven Steps to Conscious Living.
Creative Pathways offers ThetaHealing courses. Learn more about upcoming sessions in your area and sign up online. 
Thursday, March 29 LISTEN TO THE SHOW (12 MB MP3 file) Guest: Daniel Benor, M.D. Topic Title: “Personal Spirituality: Science, Spirit and the Eternal Soul with Daniel Benor, M.D.” Join Deborah and her guest Daniel Benor, M.D., wholistic psychotherapist, editor of the International Journal of Healing and Caring, and author of Personal Spirituality: Science, Spirit and the Eternal Soul to learn about the compelling evidence detailing the existence of spiritual dimensions. From out-of-body and near-death experiences to past life memories and angelic interventions, his compilation of research delves into the world of intuitive perceptions, life after death, personal spirituality, the expansion of consciousness, and healing as a movement towards wholeness. Hear about the fast and effective healing technique of WHEE, an Energy Psychology method of self-healing developed by Dr. Benor. Practical ways to implement today’s message: How to Cultivate Intuitive Spiritual Awareness.
Thursday, April 5 LISTEN TO THE SHOW (12 MB MP3 file) Guest: Dr. Allen Chips, DCH, PhD Topic Title: “Transpersonal Hypnotherapy and Past Life Regression” Deborah talks with Allen Chips, DCH, PhD, about Transpersonal Hypnotherapy, a tool for personal growth, increased awareness, and healing which emphasizes the innate spiritual resources within each individual. Learn how deep relaxation is used to enter an altered state of consciousness and communicate with the unconscious the intention to change patterns of behavior and instilled limiting beliefs. Find out about karma and how to heal the present by discovering and understanding past-life experiences freeing us to move into our potential by forgiving and transcending the past. Discover the meaning of soul lessons and how to use self hypnosis in the healing process. Practical ways to implement today’s message: The Soul’s Karma.
Thursday, April 12 LISTEN TO THE SHOW (12 MB MP3 file) Guest: Dawson Church, Ph.D. Topic Title: “The Genie in Your Genes – Applying New DNA Research and Consciousness to Healing” Deborah talks with Dawson Church, Ph.D., whose research summaries of the biomedical evidence for consciousness-based energy therapies are providing the scientific underpinnings for this emerging field indicating how important consciousness is to healing. His new book, entitled The Genie in Your Genes, outlines the latest studies on the effects of consciousness on the expression of DNA molecule, and how consciousness will become the front line of medicine in the coming decade. Join us as we discuss the “miraculous” healings that defy the timelines of conventional medicine, learn about the Ten Principles of Quantum Medicine, and how heart-focused intention can influence health and impact healing on a cellular level. Practical ways to implement today’s message: The Soul’s Aspirations for Balanced Wholeness—A Mindfully Awake Exercise (MAE).
Thursday, April 19 LISTEN TO THE SHOW (12 MB MP3 file) Guest: Robert Williams, M.A. Topic Title: “The Secret of Life: Change Your Beliefs and Perceptions with Psych-K™” Deborah talks with Robert Williams, M.A., the originator of Psych-K™, about this unique and direct way to identify and change subconscious beliefs that perpetuate old habits and self-limiting behaviors. Rob conducts seminars alongside of renowned cellular biologist Bruce Lipton, where they advocate that “The ‘secret of life’ is BELIEF. Rather than genes, it is our beliefs that control our lives. PSYCH-K is a set of simple, self-empowering techniques to change your beliefs and perceptions that impact your life at a cellular level. It’s a simple, yet powerful process that transcends the standard methods of visualization, affirmations, will power, and positive thinking to effectively change negative, self limiting beliefs.