Empowerment Consciousness™ Processes
I can now go forward with my life without this fear holding me back. The transformational session was deep and very moving. I felt so incredibly different. My ego has taken a back seat and I just know that spirit is more in control of my life. I am allowing, desiring this. I can feel the new energy flowing in me. My Core Consciousness Level has risen remarkably. I slept very deep last night. I woke up remembering who I am and being quite happy. In my self-treatment using the Empowerment Consciousness Process, I came to better understand what spirit wants to do with this life and that we are here to live. I felt the energy flowing all through me. It was a very heavy feeling around my navel or the solar plexus. This energy went to my feet and I finally knew what it meant to feel grounded. It flowed all the way to my crown and I know I was a different being than I was before.
~M.S. October 2015
These empowerment processes are really packed with tons of practical information and provide a format for deep exploration and a new co-creative way to heal long ignored traumas. Using these processes, I am becoming more conscious and aware of the energy and healing for my personal transformation.
~Ellen, 2014
Thanks Deborah. I appreciate your awesome teaching abilities! These are wonderful transformative empowerment practices that have made a true difference in my Co-Creation skills. Life is now a conscious pleasure of living in the Present Moment!
~Laura, 2014
I felt change occur on a cellular level … I could feel my cells shimmering with energy … I was also quite aware – especially of the waves of energy permeating my body. There was also a wonderful time when I felt myself being held by a loving energy, which I just surrendered to completely. I am feeling more of myself now; am much more in my body and grounded in my own essence. This shift will definitely help me in my life and in my spiritual growth.
~Karen, 2014
Using the Empowerment Question, Clearing Statement and tapping over and over to awaken Empowerment Consciousness, I am feeling so much better. I was working primarily on money and job issues, seeing new opportunities, allowing life to unfold with gratitude, grace, joy and ease … I am feeling like a mighty oak tree with roots going all the way to the center of the earth. I feel stable, secure and strong. Yesterday I had waves and waves of energy leave my body and the room I was in got cold. In my Co-Creative visualization process, my personal Empowerment image, the yellow lion, has now turned into a winged lion of red and gold! I could feel his power and confidence, like nothing could harm me. It was really great. I felt so light and airy, my brain was sharp and clear. Everything I looked at was vibrant. I know that I have cleared some big core beliefs! I feel so empowered and ready to move forward!
~Kim, 2014
I am finally at the place of understanding “Evolutionary Transformation” and what Co-Creative living can be … The challenge is recognizing inbred patterns that have created my subconscious beliefs and releasing them. Accepting help from the Universe requires a complete trust to acknowledge that the concept of control was never mine to begin with and being out of control is being out of alignment with my life’s mission and spirit’s plan … Today I experienced more fully the release of handing over control and with it the fluidity of accessible information to assist me to clarify and ultimately achieve my goals. This experience was at once physical, mental and spiritual leaving me more relaxed and in tune with my inner knowing. The program you have created to coach seekers in “Awakening Empowerment Consciousness” is so far beyond creative visualization and just consciously being aware of ones thoughts. For me I feel energized on all levels in a way I have not known before and cannot wait to go and do where I am meant to in this life.
~Mickie, 2014
Just as a word of “thanks”. I appreciate our time together, but also what you say and write is always so powerful, too. Your words and teachings make such a difference in my own healing. I find myself returning to your words time and again for insight and inspiration. I’m very blessed for you to be in my life.
~ L.W. January 2016
THANK YOU! I went from 100% panic to trust in GOD!
~ D.S. 2012
Thanks for another GREAT session. All of them are life changing in some way.
~ L.W. 2012
I couldn’t let your enormous gift to me yesterday, go unacknowledged. The healing you facilitated (Matrix Energetics) for me was powerful!! It is my joy to earn a living working with healing, and the client I just worked with was so aware of the depth and power coming through our session, I can’t help but think it had something to do with your facilitating the freeing up of the flow through me.
~ MJ.F. 2013
I really enjoying working with you yesterday and the work you did with me was and is invaluable. I really treasure the changes that you are facilitating. Thank you ever so much!
~ T.M. 2010
Whatever that new method was (Access Bars), I’d say it’s very effective. You helped remove so much tension from my body. I slept 8.5 hours last night. First time in over a week. It was heaven! And I also have some great new guiding principles to focus on, including my new favorite: Take the easy way!!! Thanks SO MUCH!
~ G.L. 2012
Every day I find myself telling someone else about you and what a wonderful experience it has been knowing you and experiencing your gifts and your knowledge. As well, each day I am awed again at the changes I have seen after only two sessions! There have been subtle yet tangible results of our work together using PsychK and Theta Healing. Can results be both subtle and tangible at the same time? Yes! I cannot describe in words yet I “feel” and “know” differently than I did before. That is the subtle part. The tangible part is that within one week after one session of working with you on my scarcity issues I had four new confirmed clients and just this week confirmed two more! I feel the layers of unconsciousness peeling away. As the earth heaves with the frosts and thaws of winter and new rocks, fossils, seeds, etc surface, I now know what that feels like for it is so with me. The seeds of knowledge, faith and self-love are indeed sprouting and growing towards the light. Thank you Deborah!
~ T.M. 2010
Awesome session. Thank you thank you thank you. Whatever was done (in the distance session) and I did read everything really seemed like it dropped a bomb on some program…felt like there was a steel band wrapped around my head that started to get unleashed…great feeling…Thank you so much for your work…I’m still just letting things go…whatever this is at the core it seems I’m getting closer and everyday gets better… I am so happy to feel the results of today…wow. Thank you…Thank you so much for your work…it has really helped in so many ways.
~ J.H. 2012
I thank you for transforming my life!
~ L.W. 2013
I want to update you on the session we had last month. It was most helpful. You addressed some issues I thought I’d already resolved…and I had on some levels. There was definitely releasing of past emotion. You opened the door to a new understanding, appreciate and healing. Thank you for helping me move farther along in my journey.
~ S. M. 2004
Thank you so much! I felt beautiful when you did all that. A glorious energy…that one about fear of retaliation and death felt really important. All clear and no remaining confusion about the 5th plane…Hooray!!! I really appreciate the help over that weird little glitch. I know its something big when I test I test in bizarre ways. What was curious was all the time I had already devoted to the topic. I guess even one remaining thing can slow the energy flow. I would love to see you again.
~ L.H. 2010
I want to tell you how great I feel and what a wonderful experience it was working with you last week. I have talked about you and me and the experience and the long term effect to numerous folks. I have given out your name as well. Thank you for the work you are doing in helping heal the world!
~ T.M. 2010
You are so wonderful! I thank God for you.
~ S.A. 2009
Deborah is an exceptional person!! She is a highly gifted healer and intuitive. I would recommend her to all my friends and family. She is truly as inspiration and working with her has changed my life! Thank you Deborah. I look forward to working with you in the future.
~ E.C. 2012
I wanted to say thank you for setting me on my path to greatest. It was you who first made me aware of the importance of truly living in the moment, who taught me the laws of attraction form money and people, and it was you who created in me a curiosity that led to courage and blind faith, self, discovery, and ultimately a more abundant life. And I thought I was happy when I met you!! Thank you so much for your encouragement, your support, and your friendship. I have learned so much from you and I am a much better person for it. My hunch is you are making more of an impact on this world that you know.
~ S.D. 2008
Thank you again for today’s session; It was phenomenal, growth inspiring and brought a certain peace I needed to relax into where I’m at.
~ M.T. 2012
Amazing…feeling so much better…less of all of what you wrote down (symptoms and feelings)….feeling some insights into some things..have been journaling and tapping….right side is really moving with the layers of things shifting…it’s almost just cool to feel..I would love another session this week… Thank you…I’m feeling a ton better…very happy with what’s going on. Thank you!
~ J.H. 2012
Our session last week was the most enlightening two hours of my life. The things we discussed surely help me to make sense of my life…Thanks for your help.
~ L.W. 2011
Distance Sessions
(With our phone session) today, I have felt definite changes in my back & hips … shifts that are (still) occurring … everything has felt much more stable….and that’s huge. As opposed to everything in that area constantly moving and shifting, prior to today…. causing lots of angst! Now I am feeling lots of powerful energy coursing through my whole torso. I wanted to comment once again, on how powerful your healing sessions have been for me…. and continue to be. I’ve had no back pain since talking with you this morning. Can’t believe how so much more supple my legs & back feel.
~ K.J. August 2016
I wanted to say again how indeed powerful I found our phone session to be for me today. As I said earlier, I’ve had many, many therapies over the years and all of them have been wonderfully healing and I learned from each one of them, but none of them can even begin to touch the session I had with you today.
I believe that it was so healing because of a combination of things. I feel it was because I was so ready for this deeper treatment and healing, and because of the great power that is flooding the earth right now, and for your great depth and experience and oh so obvious care that you feel for your clients. Thank you again.
~ K.J. August 2016
I have been working with Deborah (at a distance) for quite a long time from issues such as back pains, mental anguish, and most recently when I was out of work. Every time I work with her things got better and my life got back on track. For example I was job searching and got zero interviews and zero call backs. Well one week after working with Deborah my phone started to ring and I got an interview and now I am working again. Thanks Dr. Deb!
~ S.B. 2011
I’m getting on a plane to come home in a few hours…feeling things really shifting (from our distance session) … in my dreams I feel like I am really understanding the view of my subconscious… now I can see through this a little for sure thanks to the work…and I have become a stronger observer… Thank you! I feel like I’m really getting closer everyday to loving and accepting all of me…wow… Thank you … I really appreciate you work.
~ J.H. 2012
Thank you for the (distance) session…really great information…the things that were brought up seem very relevant and applicable…thank you again…I really enjoy your work and hoping to get back to attend some classes…such good information in the session…right on time kind of information…always makes me feel better to see that stuff go…
~ J.H. 2012
Just a remarkable (distance) session…I was so tired after, but I felt like I was really processing the work we had done. I have come out today attacking some areas that I have neglected and I am fascinated to see how life unfolds. Thank you…
~ A.M. 2012
Class Experiences
Of all the many types of energy healing and “healing touch” workshops I have attended Theta Healing was the most meaningful and useful to me. Thanks,
~ T.D. 2012
Thank you so much for the wonderful class; your teaching was great and I feel many shifts in my perceptions of life since.
~ P.S. 2012
You are an excellent teacher and you are the only one I want to learn from for right now…lol. You are a loving light in this world and you give it freely. That is what makes you so endearing to all of us. I want you to be successful in your venture because you can help sooo many people…when they are open to it. The world needs you!
~ K.L. 2011
I just wanted to thank you for the work Saturday (at the Soul Mates class), I could feel a difference in the way I handle myself.
~ C.B. 2011
Thank you so much for teaching my husband and I ThetaHealing and for your time this past weekend. It was the realization of a long held dream. My horoscope for the 24th was very interesting so I thought you would be interested to see it: “Sun in strong opposition with natal Chiron: For this brief period of time, you will become more conscious of the energy for personal transformation and healing in your life. This will likely mean exposing some form of deep-seated pain for the purpose of working through old issues and ultimately healing these issues.” The class was really packed with tons of practical information and provides a format for deep exploration and a new way to cope with and heal long ignored traumas. We enjoyed the class and the other participants and look forward to taking another one!
~ M.W. 2011
(After a ThetaHealing class) I had a phone interview (for a new job) today…Evidently we have shifted a lot. I didn’t even prepare for it like I usually do and no frets or worries. Before the call the only thing I did was get to the 7th plane and asked Creator to help with this for the good of all involved. Deborah, I was a different person. I was stunned after I got off the phone. I just spoke my truth and that was it. He asked questions, I gave him direct answers not giving a hoot what he thought of me. Usually I worry that the other person won’t like me or I act a certain way thinking this is what they want…n..e..e..d..i..n..g the job. I have come along way. I am not attached to the results. I said this or something even better. It was so freeing just to be me and I have been incredibly happy all day. Amazing. What a difference it makes… I feel like something is coming very soon. I am excited about it. I can’t get over how relaxed I have been being out of work and having options. This is actually fun! I do feel it is best for me to stay here a little while longer. Too much to learn with you … I think this is all working! I am looking forward to learning more from you!
~ K.L. 2011
So back at the Intro Theta class, you told me I had a parasite. I finally got tested and the got results today … and you were exactly correct! Pinworms. Also I was diagnosed with another stomach problem which I guess is a bacteria (not parasites) Helicobater pylori … and you said yesterday you were detecting some problems with my stomach and H. pylori. You are amazing!
~ L.W. 2012
Thanks Deborah. I appreciate your awesome teaching abilities! This was a wonderful, transforming class.
~ L.D. 2011
I wanted to tell you that I enjoyed the Reiki class yesterday. I got up this morning and my ankle swelling was down by half. I was stunned. I want to do the Master class as well. I think this is cool. I like all this energy stuff. You are a fantastic teacher! … Thank you for your class and your wonderful teaching.
~ K.L. 2011
(After the Advanced ThetaHealing class) You will be amazed! I just got a call (for a new job)! I can’t get over this. I have been doing 3 and 4 hours of theta to clear my money/unworthiness issues. I believe I hit the bottom belief on the money stuff on Sunday. All the sudden I felt such peace, joy and energy and it stayed with me for 3 days. (The work is getting easily now…) I just followed the trail like you spoke about, let Creator lead you down the path. It is getting easier. I am able to raise the energy now like we have in class. I never thought that would happen…Oh, guess what else. My joints are doing much better….no pain in my hips and knees or ankles. Oh, I found a lost dog through theta as well. My neighbor said someone stole his dog out of the yard and was asking me if I saw any weirdos hanging around his house. I didn’t see anyone. After he left I remembered that we can talk to the higher self of the dog. So I did. I asked her if she was stolen and she wasn’t she was stuck. I couldn’t figure out where she was stuck. I found her stuck under the house with the tie line wrapped around some pipes. I got her out. Hey you can use any and all stories. I thought you would be tickled pink. I am seeing the progress. I asked for an ascended master to help me out too. I have one of those. I also got a unicorn to help with the animals. All thru the 7th plane. I asked that the job thing be easy and effortless and it is turning out to be just that! I will keep my salary which is much more than expected….I am sooo excited! I wanted to make your day!
~ K.L. 2012
Thank you for the workshop. I was surprised! First, by the size of the group and then by the course of the evening. Your presentation was great! You seemed to capture key points of resistance with the group and myself. I felt the flow of your presentation went very well. When we came out of the visualization meditation, my drowsiness was not fatigue. I felt certain of that. I felt it was a deeper state of relaxation. I left the workshop feeling alive, confident and energized. I want to attend your upcoming seminar! I felt more of the possibility as I drove away feeling, ‘Wouldn’t it be fantastic to really shift these self-imposed limitations!’
~ L.G. 2011