Active Meditation
Robert Leichtman, M.D. and Carl Japikse
The most complete explanation of meditation ever printed…a western approach. Learn to align with your High Self and begin to heal your life.
ThetaHealing: Go Up and Seek-God by Vianna Stibal – Detailed information describing the ThetaHealing� process and how to work with the Creator of All That Is to command attainable miracles in your life and the lives of others. Advanced ThetaHealing�: All That Is by Vianna Stibal – Designed as a therapeutic self-help guide to develop the abiltiy to change beliefs and feelings on all levels: physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually using the theta-mind state. Detailed guidelines for advanced digging to locate and change the bottom belief and the missing feeling states.
Advanced ThetaHealing®: All That Is
Vianna Stibal
Designed as a therapeutic self-help guide to develop the abiltiy to change beliefs and feelings on all levels: physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually using the theta-mind state. Detailed guidelines for advanced digging to locate and change the bottom belief and the missing feeling states.
Anatomy of Spirit
Carolyn Myss
Understanding the Seven Energy Centers of the body, the Chakra system, and its relation to health and healing.
Chakras for Beginners: A Guide to Balancing Your Chakra Energies
David Pond
A nice jumping off point when first beginning to understand the emotional, physical and psychological aspects of the energy centers of the body. Pond and other noted authors relate that understanding the role of these energy centers is the most crucial beginning toward understanding the various aspects of ourselves. In this pursuit we come to “know ourselves” in a way that is most enlightening offering self empowerment and the ability to make conscious choices toward our highest good.
Clinical Aromatherapy: Essential Oils in Practice, 2nd ed.
Jane Buckle
Deborah’s review of this book was published in the International Journal of Caring and Healing, Vol.6, No. 2, May 2006.
Written to support the use of essential oils in the xlinical setting, nurse and author Jane Buckle givesa the reader a broad base of researched data from which to apply this complementary therapy. Click here to read Deborah’s full review of this book.
The Creation of Health
Carolyn Myss, PhD. and Norm Shealy, M.D.
Understanding the mind-body connection to limiting thoughts is instrumental in developing a more aware perspective when dealing with physical as well as emotional and spiritual concerns.
Eastern Body Western Mind: Psychology and the Charka System as a Path to the Self
Anodea Judith
This book uses the chakra system as a tool for diagnosis and healing. “As a guidebook for the journey of awakening, it presents a systematic model for addressing the issues that plague us. It is written for individuals engaged in their own healing process, as well as for therapist, counselors, and body (energy) workers who become guides along the way. It is also addressed to parents who want to raise conscious and healthy children, and to those who simply want to wake up and further their own evolution.”
The Field
Lynne McTaggart
The quest for the secret force of the universe. A compilation of leading research indicating the force of consciousness as the creative thrust of the universe.
Intuitive Healing
Judith Orloff, M.D.
Five steps to nurture your intuitive abilities and increase health and vitality.
The New Physics of Healing
Deepak Chopra, M.D.
Understanding the dynamics of Energy Work as explained by current scientific understanding in quantum physics.
Positive Energy
Judith Orloff, M.D.
Learn to recognize the pitfalls of energy drains and learn ways to self guard through positive energy.
The Power of Intention
Dr. Wayne Dyer
Learning to co-create your world through the power of intention.
Sacred Contracts
Carolyn Myss
Understanding the patterns in our lives is crucial to exacting change. When we become aware of the driving needs and imbalances which are propelling us in life, we have a better chance of changing our minds about how they influence us. The best approach I have found to understanding how energetic patterns influence your life is through the archetypal work of Carolyn Myss. Her book identifies and describes scores of archetypal patterns, like the Princess, the Rescuer, the Victim, the Mother, the Artist, the Hero, the Warrior, and the Child to name a few. For more information see Sacred Contracts.
The Seat of the Soul
Gary Zukav
One of my favorite books that begins to talk about the evolution of the human being toward a multi-sensory/intuitive state of being with conscious intention being the focus of development.
ThetaHealing: Go Up and Seek-God
Vianna Stibal
Detailed information describing the ThetaHealing® process and how to work with the Creator of All That Is to command attainable miracles in your life and the lives of others.
Transforming Stress: The HeartMath Solution for Relieving Worry, Fatigue, and Tension
Doc Childre and Deborah Rozman
Deborah’s review of this book was published in the International Journal of Caring and Healing, Vol.6, No. 2, May 2006.
The HeartMath system of transforming stress takes the reader to new levels of understanding the components of stress and its effects in daily life. This is not only a guidebook with ample instructions for this transformational process, but it is also filled with case studies illustrating what can be expected from this innovative approach. Click here to read Deborah’s full review of this book.
Why People Don’t Heal and How They Can
Carolyn Myss
A psycho-spiritual (mind/body) understanding of the ways we continue to give away our spiritual power and continue disempowering ourselves. The result causes us to suffer from the imbalances of illness and disease. – A MUST READ!
Women’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdom: Creating Physical and Emotional Health and Healing
Christiane Northrup, M.D.
A comprehensive guide for women’s mind-body wellness. Dr. Northrup, an OB-Gyn specialist, offers specific recommendations for wellness for any feminine ailment, including nutrition, supplements, PMS, menopause, breast cancer, infertility, to name just a few. A wonderful guide to have around the house!
You Can Heal Your Body
Louis Hay
A comprehensive guide to the mental/emotional belief structure contributing to dis-ease in the body – A MUST READ!
Your Psychic Pathway: Listening to the Guiding Wisdom of Your Soul
Sonia Choquette
Learn to expand your natural gifts of Intuition and reconnect to your Higher Intelligence and discover a personal pathway to your soul. Clear, inspiring and practical guidelines.