Body Harmonization™ Body Harmonization,™ Accessing Body Wisdom for Conscious Wholeness, Healing, and Empowerment is a comprehensive and holistic approach in spiritual healing and energy medicine that uses muscle testing (kinesiology) and flowcharts to access body wisdom to determine precursors of imalances in body-mind-spirit, which interfere with conscious wholeness, healing, and empowerment. Also, check out the self-help methods of Self Re-boot and Daily Five Step Tune-up which I personally find extremely helpful and use daily.
Body-Mind-Spirit Directory Body-Mind-Spirit Directory listings for Natural Healing Practitioners and Products.
Cape Fear Valley Health System Cape Fear Valley Health System News and Information web site for Complementary and Alternative Medicine including “Energy Therapies.”
Center for Natural Medicine Deborah’s Fayetteville, NC, location.
Clear Horizons Deborah’s Raleigh/Cary location in North Carolina.
Dr. Bruce Lipton Dr. Bruce Lipton, cellular biologist, explains how the mind/body connection actually works in the body offering proof of the healing benefits of Energy Work.
Dr. Masaru Emoto A review of Dr. Masaru Emoto’s astounding research of the living consciousness in water. If our bodies are 98% water�what impact do our thoughts have on our physical being? The lesson here…that our thoughts and words impact all parts of life, including our own physicality. Research and Evidence-Based Information – A complete guide to Complementary and Alternative Medicine.
Energy Magazine Healing Touch Program’s free online publication. Containing inspiring stories about the use and practice of Healing Touch.
Healing About Holistic Healing offers interesting articles about energy healing, holistic therapies, chakras and more�brief overviews, quick and easy.
Healing Touch International, Inc. This site is a comprehensive resource on Healing Touch benefits, research, and world Healing Touch projects. You can search for certified practitioners and instructors, clinics, and service programs from around the world. Healing Touch is a nurturing energy therapy that assists in balancing your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being.
Healing Touch Program Find information about the Healing Touch Program. Class information, scheduled classes, student and instructor support, and articles and stories about Healing Touch.
Healthy Living Pages The Raleigh-Durham Triangle’s advertiser listings for healthy, holistic, and integrated living. The National Association of Transpersonal Hypnotherapists (est. 1989) is the largest transpersonal hypnotherapy membership organization in the United States. Its quality accelerated training programs gives it an outstanding reputation for certifying and registering professionals from a variety of backgrounds throughout the United States
Holos University Holos University Graduate Seminary is committed to studies in Energy Medicine and Spiritual Healing exploring the integration of body, mind, and spirit throuogh education, research, and service. Holos provides post-graduate education that prepares mature adults to serve as ordained ministers, spiritual ddirectors, and spiritual intuitive counselors who integrate the healing triad of body, mind, and spirit as their focus for conducting original research and promoting holistic well-being in individuals and communities.
IJHC Energy scientist, Daniel Benor’s online “International Journal of Healing and Caring,” which promotes holistic healing innovations and practices, views and clinical experiences of doctors, nurses, and healing arts therapists.
Innerchange Magazine The Raleigh-Durham Triangle’s on-line magazine for holistic articles and local events.
ISSSEEM The International Society of the Study of Subtle Energies and Energy Medicine. ISSSEEM was founded to explore the application of subtle energies to the experience of consciousness, healing, and human potential and is designed as a bridging organization for scientists, clinicians, therapists, healers, and laypeople. ISSSEEM encourages experimental exploration of the phenomena long associated with the practice of energy healing.
Look Health Fit Health directory and fitness resource.
Norm Shealy Dr. Norm Shealy, founder of the American Holistic Medicine Association and President of Holos University Graduate Seminary offers great energy medicine guidelines and a great on-line newsletter.
PSYCH-K™ Your subconscious beliefs establish the limits of what you can achieve! Change your life by rewriting the software of your subconscious mind. If your life feels like you’re trapped in a prison of limitations, or you’re just not living up to your full potential, chances are you have a conflict between your conscious desires and your subconscious beliefs. This kind of conlict shows up in relationships, self-esteem, spirituality, health and body including weight loss, prosperity, personal power and grief and loss. If you are facing challenges in any of these areas, personally or professionally, PSYCH-K™ can help you to rewrite the software of your mind in order to change the printout of your life!
Raven Flower Essences™ Raven Flower Essences™ wonderful and powerful flower essences co-created with nature by Andrea Mathieson in Ontario, Canada. Andrea offers personal consultations in concert with her flower essences. These are the essences from which Deborah draws when offering a vibrational infused flower essence during the healing session.
Spirit Site Spiritual Classics – widely appreciated writings on spirituality.
Spiritual Health and Self-Assessment Tests Boise State University Body Mind Spirit web site offers resources, definitions, and insights into spiritual health. Wonderful book lists, research, self-assessment tests, and articles including body image, fitness, health, meditation, men’s health, mental, nutrition, self help, sexual health, spiritual health, stress, and women’s health.
Spiritual Health and Self-Assessment Tests The INSPIRIT SELF-ASSESSMENT TEST for spiritual well-being
ThetaHealing™ – DNA ThetaHealing™ can be most easily described as an attainable miracle for your life. In ThetaHealing,™ we put to use our natural intuition, relying upon God’s unconditional love to do the actual “work.” By changing the brain wave cycle to include the “theta” state, you can actually watch God create, instantaneous physical and emotional healing. Film illustrating the dynamics of thought and intention as related to everyday life.