Soul Messages for Spiritual Integration

Reaching our fullest potential is an evolutionary process. As we grow and mature into conscious human beings, we gain greater and greater ability to consciously co-create our lives and world. Expanding consciousness within the mindbody is the goal of Spiritual Integration. This is achieved as the unaware conscious mind submerges into the depths of the subconscious mind to gain greater self-awareness, which expands the consciousness of the mindbody. To faciliate this inward journey and the expansion of consciousness, we can use symptoms of distress to bring to light, or to make conscious, the integrating and healing messages of the Soul.

The Centers of Consciousness, or Chakras within the energy field of the mind/body
The Centers of Consciousness, or Chakras within the energy field of the mind/body

Consciousness is processed throughout the mindbody via the energy centers of the subtle energy field. These centers of consciousness, or chakras, relate to the emerging self identity unfolding within each individual.Through this process of Spiritual Integration, the energies of the chakras harmonize into congruent balance. It is a process that melds the energies of the chakras into a unified whole. Through the integration of these energies, the mind, emotions, body, and spirit work synergistically in unison. The result is a profound state of holistic well-being, a state of wellness that is inclusive of body, mind, emotions and spirit.

Housing the vibrational blueprint for the progressive development of the human being, each chakra contains behavioral characteristics, which are required to be integrated in order for full spiritual development to be attained. Through maturation of the developmental elements of the chakras, our sense of self expands in an integrated, holistic manner thus advancing the process of Spiritual Integration. (See also the Chakra Integration Chart and the next post, “Chakras and Their Relationship with our Physical, Emotional, and Psychological Selves.”)

Through the process of Spiritual Integration, the chakras unfold in support of our personal evolution of consciousness. As we spiritually integrate, we are able to utilize the rich potentials that are held within each chakra. As we balance and integrate each chakra, a profound sense of connection is re-established with the Universal Field of Consciousness.

Through this connection we become the fullness of who we are. We become the True Self.

Moving into a conscious state of awareness is the goal of our personal evolution. It is the way that we become actively involved in the co-creative acts of our minds. Making ourselves consciously aware brings with it an empowering sense of choice giving us the opportunity to decide how, when, where, and what we choose to make real in our lives.

balance yin yang
As we balance and integrate each chakra, a profound sense of connection is re-established with the Universal Field of Consciousness.
Making a conscious choice catapults us from the throws of victimhood into the empowerment of conscious co-creation.
Consciously co-creative acts are the result of a mindbody clear of the self-limitations stored in the depths of the subconscious mind.

Bringing our mind into a state of awareness requires resolution of the past. It demands that we release the fear, resentment, hatred,anger judgements  … The  victimology that has kept us from expanding through the evolution of consciousness. Through the transformative process of Spiritual Integration, we embrace the full authority to manifest a life and a world that is heaven on earth.

Awareness Exercise

Moving into a state of present moment awareness, focus on the presenting issue, whether that is physical, emotional, mental or spiritual conflict, pain or distress of any kind. Notice where the mind/body holds this information by focusing inward and scanning the mindbody noting areas of pain or discomfort. Notice the intensity with which the mind/body is presenting this information; on a scale of 0 – 10, zero is none of that feeling and 10 is the worst of that feeling imaginable.

neck tensionex. Mary has been unhappy at work. Her boss is overly critical and she feels unheard and unappreciated often withdrawing from any interaction with him. She is also worried about how to handle this situation; she has been feeling indecisive and anxious. She finds herself whining and complaining quite a lot among friends, family and co-workers. She notices that she is constantly rubbing her neck, taking antacids and that sometimes her throat is sore. She also feels powerless to create change in this situation and oftentimes accepts more than her share of responsibility and blame. Mary is taking a thyroid supplement and has been diagnosed as insulin resistant.

The mind/body scan results in four areas of concern:

1) neck pain with an intensity of 4 on a scale of 0-10;

2) throat pain with an intensity of 3 on a scale of 0-10; and,

3) anxiety and burning situated in her stomach with an intensity of 6 on a scale of 0-10.

4) Stiff and sore mid back that feels like powerless with an intensity of 7 on a scale of 0-10

Conscious Exercise

Gain awareness about these areas or parts of the body by referencing the Chakra Integration Chart. Notice if the mind/body has a message for you.  Use the chart as a reference for the mental/emotional/physical/spiritual patterns that the mind/body would like to balance and integrate. Locate the body part or organ on the chart and follow the column down to gain insight and awareness about potential bio-psycho-spiritual patterns that may be presenting for integration.

Looking at Symptoms 1and 2, Mary highlights in bold the areas of focus that she feels are relevant to this situation:

  1. Organ or Body Part: Neck (Feeling: Pain) and Throat (Feeling: Pain)
  2. Chakra (Energy Center): Throat Chakra
  3. Associated Emotion/Psychological Development: Communication, Divine Will, and Self Expression, Choice
  4. When Chakra is Balanced: Communication, self-expression, creativity, speaking your feelings, inspiration, clarity
  5. When Chakra is Imbalanced: Stagnation, obsession, lack of expression- communication; inability to speak up for self; gossiping, unexpressive, over talking
  6. Health Effects of the Imbalanced Chakra: Sore throat, laryngitis, stutter, thyroid problems, whining, high voice, loud/ angry speech, tone deaf, poor rhythm, toxicity, tightness of jaw TMJ, neck problems
  7. Endocrine Gland Associated with this Chakra (health issues may develop with this gland): Thyroid
  8. Color of this Chakra Energy when Balanced: Vibrant Blue

Symptoms 3 and 4:

  1. Organ or Body Part: Stomach (Feeling: Anxious and Burning): Mid back (Feeling: Stiff and Sore)
  2. Chakra (Energy Center): Solar Plexus Chakra
  3. Associated Emotion/Psychological Development: Personal Power, Ego, and Self-Esteem, Self-Responsibility
  4. When Chakra is Balanced: Personal Power, self- motivated, decisive, good self image; harmony, balanced energy, responsible, reliable
  5. When Chakra is Imbalanced: Powerlessness, controlling or withdrawing, violent outbursts, stubbornness, arrogant, competitive, domineering, feeling put upon, greedy, low self-esteem, doubt, anger, guilt, aggression, hyperactivity, manipulative, fear of rejection, fear in general
  6. Health Effects of the Imbalanced Chakra: Diabetes, ulcers, poor digestion, jaundice, hepatitis, hypoglycemia, gall stones, tense muscles, pain in mid-lower back, eating disorders, hypertension
  7. Endocrine Gland Associated with this Chakra (health issues may develop with this gland): Pancreas
  8. Color of this Chakra Energy when Balanced: Vibrant Yellow

Using the highlighted information, Mary can discover a Soul Message increasing her awareness for Spiritual Integration. She has used the life experiences and mindbody symptoms and feelings that she is experiencing to discover which chakras are out of balance and require Spiritual Integration. Mary discovers that the throat chakra (fifth) and the solar plexus chakra (third) are presenting an imbalanced state. These chakras are unable to fully actualize the entire energy potential inherently held within them; the result is presenting as mindbody imbalances and symptoms as described above.

She can use the information in the boxes for Associated Emotion/Psychological Development and Balanced Chakra Expression for each chakra to gain insight and to develop a conscious plan of Spiritual integration. Here are the concepts from each chakra:


Associated Emotion/Psychological Development: Communication, Divine Will, and Self Expression, Choice

Balanced Chakra Expression: Communication, self-expression, creativity, speaking your feelings, inspiration, clarity.

Solar Plexus:

Associated Emotion/Psychological Development: Personal Power, Ego, and Self-Esteem, Self-Responsibility

Solar Plexus: Personal Power, self- motivated, decisive, good self image; harmony, balanced energy, responsible, reliable

Using this information, craft a Soul Message from the above information:

My Soul Message includes the following balanced qualities:

Authentic Communication and Personal Power

Conscious Choice

These are some of the insights Mary found about this particular mindbody imbalance that she is now able to recognize and make the conscious choice to change:


  1. Recognize that I have a choice in how I express myself;
  2. Gain greater self esteem by choosing to feel good about myself and my abilities;
  3. Use my personal power to choose how I authentically express myself and how I feel about myself;
  4. With balanced communication, speak my feelings and needs without accepting or giving blame;
  5. Accept responsibility for my choices without feeling responsible for how others feel or what they think;
  6. Recognize that my mind/body is helping me Spiritually Integrate into conscoius, empowered living by bringing to my awareness to areas ofmy life and mindbody that require balancing;
  7. When the throat and solar plexus chakras are in balance, I have all the energy that I need for authentic, empowered co-creative self expression!
  8. My mindbody and life experiences are free of imbalance as I authentically communicate using balanced personal power

Action Step

With the above outline detailing steps for conscious living, Mary will Spiritually Integrate the throat and solar plexus chakras as she takes the initiative to implement her conscious choices.

Mary may realize that she would benefit from an empowerment class focusing on balanced communication; she may feel that she needs to prioritize herself in her own life so that she has more time to purse her own creativity and to receive inspiration and guidance; and/or she may feel that she needs a different job with a focus on expanding her sense of self worth, self expression and creativity.

Mary has obtained conscious awareness about her imbalanced patterns, and also know that bringing those patterns into balance is requried for Spiritual Integration. Above all, Mary recognizes that the choice to consciously evolve is hers … and she is ready to balance and integrate into her highest potential with total and complete grace, joy and ease!

Conscious Choice Formula:

“What energy, space and consciousness can my mindbody and I be that would totally and completely bring about Spiritual Integration with grace, joy and ease?

Whatever stands in the way of that, I chose now to destroy and un-create it all! With gratitude, grace and ease…It is done! It is done! It is done!”