Thetahealing Rhythym


ThetaHealing® RHYTHM to a Perfect Weight: 4 Hour Class

Manifesting Your Authentic and Healthy Body

Manifesting your Authentically Healthy and Beautiful Body through ThetaHealing� Transform your body into authentic Divine Human expression through ThetaHealing®. Release weight and develop strength, flexibility and co-creative health through the Creator of All-That-IS. Allow your body to work with you, not against you! Give your body permission to support your goals by clearing limiting beliefs and emotional trauma that have kept you stuck in disempowerment and less than perfect health. Numerous intense downloads of positive beliefs and feelings for food, body type, emotional stress, past tension relief, and exercise are geared to clear the way for a transformed attitude and body free of self-limitations and constraints. Vianna’s special exercise download is taught to enhance your ability to transform to your most True and Authentic Self!

This class is taught in a four hour, half day class and is open to ThetaHealing� Practitioners who have completed both the Basic and Advanced ThetaHealing® classes. Upon completion, a certificate of completion is awarded by the ThetaHealing® Institute for Knowledge (THInK).

This class is taught in two different formats:

Learn to:

  • Receive numerous downloads and change limiting beliefs regarding weight release, food selections, exercise, healthy body type and image
  • Learn to embrace your highest potential and carry your ideal body weight and image
  • Learn the powerful ThetaHealing® way to manifest successful exercise and food selection
  • Release past concerns and traumas regarding body type, image, and unhealthy patterns
  • Release the soul felt trauma held within your heart and fully empower yourself to be your authentic healthy Self!

Prerequisites: Completion of both the Basic and Advanced ThetaHealing® classes

Materials Provided: The ThetaHealing®
RHYTHM to a Perfect Weight manual, and a certificate of completion from the THInK Institute.

Class Criterion taught by the Certified ThetaHealing® Instructor:

  • Learn about Obesity-Intuitive Insights to gain greater self awareness and motivation for weight liberation
  • Learn to create your perfect body image with the High Self through the Creator of All-That IS
  • Numerous Downloads of Positive Beliefs and Feelings to support inner healing, change, safety and motivation for RHYTHM to a Perfect Weight
  • Interact with others in the class to release any belief that may be blocking you from manifesting your ideal body image using the Belief Work; Instill positive feelings using the Feeling Work; Theta Practitioners will assist when available.
  • Supplement and food information to assist weight liberation and detox
  • Clear your Heart of past frustrations and resentments about with war, famine, hatred, and anger
  • Food Blessings
  • Vianna’s Secret Exercise short cut


Lallier is a Certified Healing Touch Practitioner,
Certified Hypnotherapist, Usui Reiki Master, Energy
Healing Practitioner, ThetaHealing Certified Instructor, and Intuitive Spiritual Director
who is currently pursuing a Doctorate of Theology
in Spiritual Healing and Energy Medicine with an
emphasis in Spiritual Direction through Holos University
Graduate Seminary.

For more information call Deborah Lallier at 910-818-7733.
