
Vulnerability is an Asset Worth Cultivating

Vulnerability is an asset worth cultivating, which allows us to gain the benefits of self-acceptance, courage, honesty, non judgement and intimacy. As a way to connect and share, being open and honest about ourselves makes giant strides in our ability to self-regulate, adapt and choose to transform the aspects of ourselves that we wish to consciously evolve into our mature essence of Perfection – the Authentic True Self.

Becoming an Empowerment Manifestor (ep. 1)

To become an Empowerment Manifestor means that we take charge of our limiting, fragmented and emotionally wounded method of manifesting. We are creating our lives, bodies, relationship, careers, finances, societies and environment by the way we think and feel. With every thought and feeling that we impart, we are informing the Infinite Universe of the reality that we intend to experience.